
2024-01-08 13:12:11 作者:网络来源:网络

例如互联网热点及新闻摘要英语互联网热点及新闻摘要英语我们可以在互联网上阅读最新的新闻来更好地了解这个世界阅读电子书来丰富我们的知识或下载一些对我们工作有用的信息我们还可以在网上交不同的朋友,这样我们的生活才会丰富多彩我相信如果我们好好利用电脑,它将是;headline n新闻标题,内容提要 hearsay n小道消息 highlights n要闻 hot news 热点新闻 human interest 人情味 indepth reporting 深度报道 insert n vt插补段落,插稿 interpretative reporting 解释性报道 invasion of privacy;中考英语作文同样是对学生进行一次思想政治教育,所以时事是英语作文与阅读热点,例如2008年中考英语作文有2道作文题一是在汶川地震中,9岁学生林浩救了2名同学,然后步行7个小时到达安全地点 请考生就林浩的事迹,以“LearnfromtheHero”。

the internet!in the modern days, internet had slowly became part of our everyday life we can read news on the internet, because the internet has a wide range of information we check our emails everyday;hard news 硬新闻,纯消息headline n新闻标题,内容提要hearsay n小道消息highlights n要闻hot news 热点新闻human interest 人情味indepth reporting 深度报道insert n vt插补段落,插稿interpretative reporting 解释性报道invasion;1英文In my opinion,the Internet is helpful rather than harmful as someone else thinks As is known to all,the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life On the Internet;of parliament seats, current Prime Minister Gordon Brown would have the right to stay in office until a new government can be formed呵呵,这是2010年5月6日的英语新闻,来自VOA,希望对你有帮助,呵呵;一周的英文新闻热词去ChinaDairy找一周的英文新闻热词去ChinaDairy找,ChinaDairy就是英文版的中国日报,中国日报每日热点英语新闻解读,英美主播用最地道的英语发音,带你解读双语新闻,在这里找新闻热词很方便;news reports therefore adopt an unique language embracing lively loose talk, solemn intergovernmental joint communiques, jargon of fields and terminology of subjects Allencompassing it is, News English epitomizes me。

The fox opens his mouth ang says,quotThe cock is mine,not yours#39#39Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree 狐狸和公鸡 一天早上,一只狐狸看到了一只公鸡他想这是我的早餐 他朝公鸡走;问题一最近热点新闻用英语怎么说 最近热点新闻_翻译结果The recent hot news 问题二“新闻热点”用英语怎么说拜托各位了 3Q Hot news 问题三“时事”用英语怎么说 current eventscurrent affairs 忘采纳。


看到计划拆除酒馆的新闻,他非常愤怒12 First, we have this roundup of the day#39s news首先来看今天的新闻摘要13 A daily onehour news show can cost $250,000 to produce时长为一小时的日播新闻节目的。

Netsurfers公司网上冲浪者 在不同的国家可以分享有趣的知识和最新的信息此外,互联网为买卖商品提供了一个重要的机会商品 更重要的是,人们可以得到医疗帮助,甚至在互联网上投票它的优点似乎数不胜数Behind all;不同的语境,翻译也是不同的,可以参考以下热点 hotspot hot spot hot pints warm spots 热点话题 hot topic muchtalkedabout topic 热点新闻 hot news 热点问题 hot issue frontburner issue hot topics 热;热点的英文一hotspot 英 #39h#594tsp#594t 美 #39h#594tsp#594t热点,热区 1At present, the system construction and value for enterprise agility is in hotspot对企业敏捷性的体系构建与。


Xinhuanet wuhan on January 9 report reporter GuoJiaXuan national key basic research and development program quot 973 project quot project quotvirus latent infections of the molecular mechanismquot, through the ministr。
