
2024-01-23 16:24:17 作者:网络来源:网络



像voa,bbc都是不错的英语新闻教材,这些新闻材料在普特的论坛和主页上都有,地址如下 主页的话还可以下载新闻的文本,也可以下载mp3或rm格式 可供在互联网上看新闻英文你反复听还有;on the internet 读音英 #240#601 #712#618nt#601net 美 #240#601 #712#618nt#601rnet释义在互联网上语法on表地点时,指某物与另一物表面相接触,或与某地方接壤等;read many books and even teach ourselves english We can also enjoy music ,watch mathes and play computer games on the internet We can even do shopping online Besides ,we can improve our ability to;看新闻看书看杂志等都是read阅读的意思watch观察观看监视等意思 He is reading the news on the campus net他正在校园网上看新闻Watch what I do, then you try 你注意看我的动作,然后试着做来。

在此之前,今日美国的马克·梅迪纳鲍勃·南登格尔汤姆·沙德和杰夫·齐尔吉特周四发表一份报告指出,quot多位NBA球队高管告诉今日美国体育,他们曾考虑过闭门比赛,但只是作为应急计划的最后手段他们要求匿名,因为;此外,我们可以与其他同学加入讨论组,而且网上远程 教育对我们很有用除了学习之外,学生可以在互联网上娱乐,比如看电影,听音乐以及获取新闻等等它可以帮助我们开阔视野但是,我们应该控制自己,不能花太多时间上网 关于网络的英语作文;I often read news online, and I learn a lot from the internet;Internet 英 #712#618nt#601net 美 #712#618nt#601rnetn因特网,互联网短语 Internet Marketing网络营销网上推广互联网营销英语学习方法 1英语基础 要想学好高三英语,英语基础是必须。

Studenst should read some news on the internet祝你学习进步,更上一层楼 *^__^*不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢;英文1 Through the Internet, we can read the news at home and abroad and get some relevant information2 Through the Internet, we can watch domestic and foreign news and obtain some relevant information;Now, I have got into the habit of reading news on the screen of my mobile phone不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击采纳;Before I read the newspaper to understand the news, and now I use the phone to watch the news 以前我看报纸了解新闻,现在我用手机收看新闻 Before I read the newspaper to understand the news, and now I use。

I saw your insparition on the Internt I learned your insparitin from the web I acknowledged your insprition from the cyberspace 第一句比较正式,第二句很口语,第三句属于俚语形式,知道的人很少。

